Maphutha Lebjane - Non Executive Director

Lebjane brings a wealth of experience to the board of Kgoshi Global Resources accumulated over a long period in the public sector environment. His career trajectory defines him as someone fascinated as much by challenge as contributing towards the well-being and development of society. He has worked extensively in the State security cluster during which he developed a practical understanding of the relationship and interdependence between business and government at macro and micro levels and that the rule of law is less a political or legal matter than an economic concept.Lebjane also possesses considerable knowledge of contract, company, Labour law and risk management acquired during his stint as Senior Manager Legal Services and Labour Relations in the Department of Local Government and Housing where he is currently responsible for housing policy, planning, municipal support, monitoring and evaluation. During his tenure as Senior Manager Legal Services and Labour Relations he formed part of an inter-provincial task team between Limpopo and Mpumalanga which crafted the Protocol reconfiguring provincial boundaries between the two governments. Between 2004 and 2008 he served as a member of Limpopo Development Tribunal and co-adjudicated major developments such as Mall of the North.

He also brings to this business a solid background of inter-governmental relations, strategic and operational planning as well as a strong network of contacts in government, Development Finance Institutions (FDI’s), the private sector and civil society. He is currently involved in the implementation of priority housing projects through public to the public through private partnerships. Individually and collectively these developments are poised to effect enormous spatial restructuring in Limpopo’s main growth centers. Lebjane obtained his Law Degree at the University of Limpopo and received a number of certificates for courses attended.